- Technical information
- Lasers
Lasers (Technical information)

Integrated in-house fabrication including optical coating
Laser products which are improved to the utmost limit in optics surface roughness and thin-film absorption/diffusion loss provide dramatically improved beam quality, output power, electricity efficiency and compact packaging. Sum-frequency lasers in which variable emission wavelengths are oscillated by the common resonator require complex specifications and high level technologies in optical coating. KYOCERA SOC Corporation laser products realize credible, long-lasting and low-cost unique product line-ups manufactured with in-house fabricated ultra-precision-polished optics as well as with ion-beam-sputtered ultra-low-loss thin-film formed optics.

Long-life laser focused clean manufacturing environment
Optical parts and components for laser products strictly require a certain level of cleanliness because long-term laser credibility is largely affected by the increased laser resonator loss through tampering or organic gas adhesion for instance. KYOCERA SOC Corporation keeps high cleanliness level in the fabrication processes by ultrasonic cleaning as well as surface-active agent cleaning to remove attached grease or waste metal, by high-temperature heat cleaning in vacuum space to remove outgassing. In addition to that, assembly processes are completed and kept inside the class 10,000 clean room for grit and dust control. Therefore KYOCERA SOC Corporation is able to offer credible and durable laser products with the lifetime longer than 10,000 hours.

Critical primary screening for high-level quality control
Early phase screening detection for laser product is indispensable for its long-term credibility and beyond 10,000 hour life guarantee. KYOCERA SOC Corporation performs both continuous and intermissive operation screening on all laser product lines to remove laser diodes' initial failure or laser alignment failure, thus maintaining failure rate of 0.1% or less in random range.

Automated quality verification for sure and more
Accumulating more than 100,000 shipment track records, KYOCERA SOC Corporation performs automated inspection process in the final product screening for laser output, optical noise, polarization/extinction ratio, polarization direction and output characteristics, then prints certificate of inspection. Significant streamlining is realized with automated inspection equipments of maximum 35 product capacity per machine, operating up to 1,000 monthly output. Accuracy of unattended inspection machines is confirmed every morning to make its verification more definite.
- Technical information
- Lasers